Using Smart Technology to Support Breastfeeding Parents

An illustration depicting the Mamava app on a smartphone linking to a city and to the digital cloud

For breastfeeding parents on the go, nursing or pumping breast milk is often a challenge. Finding a private place to nurse or pump can be hard, and even when they are able to locate a lactation space, the areas can be difficult—or awkward—to access and often unsanitary. (A New York Post article surveyed NYC lactation spaces and the results were grim!)  All of this adds undue stress. Designing lactation spaces takes a true understanding of breastfeeding parents’ physical, emotional and logistical considerations.  At Mamava we think that smart technology can offer elegant design solutions.

Lactation spaces should be easy to find.

Finding a space to pump or nurse can be really stressful, so it was important for us at Mamava to create a comprehensive directory of lactation spaces—not just Mamava pods. Today, our Mamava app includes thousands of lactation spaces nationwide, many submitted by users (and vetted by the Mamava team). The app’s intuitive user interface makes it easy for breastfeeding parents to add new locations and review spaces so other users know what to expect. Leveraging technology and cultivating a community has helped us to keep our lactation space locator resource up to date.   

Lactation spaces should support autonomous access.

Some lactation spaces require users to call a number to request access or track down someone for a key (who may or may not be available). Such barriers to direct access create unnecessary friction for breastfeeding parents by inserting a middleman directly at the point of need. We designed our Mamava app to allow users to unlock Mamava pods with a touch of a button. 

Lactation spaces should feel relaxing.

Research suggests that anxiety, stress, or discomfort can inhibit milk flow and even reduce the immune-boosting properties of the milk itself. At a minimum, a lactation space requires privacy to reassure breastfeeding parent that no one will walk in and an outlet to plug in a breast pump. Comfortable seating and a pleasant interior environment with additional amenities like adjustable lighting and continuous air flow can go a long way towards creating a peaceful place for letdown.

Lactation space “extras” should be considered thoughtfully. 

Pumping milk can be an isolating experience. At Mamava, we’ve discovered breastfeeding parents appreciate encouragement from others who “get it.” Some private (workplace) lactation spaces include bulletin boards for photographs or notes for other pumping colleagues. In our public pods, breastfeeding parents often leave physical notes for the next person. Drawing from this insight, we created the ability to leave in-app messages for other breastfeeding parents. Just as community features in health tracking apps can make getting fit and eating healthier more fun and less lonely, applying digital enhancements to lactation supports can help parents frame their pumping experiences in a more positive perspective. 

Mamava designs solutions to empower breastfeeding and pumping parents on the go, like our freestanding lactation podsMamava’s lactation space locator app, and other helpful resources. 


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