How to Advocate for Lactation Spaces at Work
How can you bring lactation spaces and support to your workplace? Start with this advice from Tennille Webb, former Sr. Business Service Manager, Walmart Business Services, who brought Mamava pods to the largest retailer in the world.
(Want to advocate for better lactation accommodations in public places? Start here!)
Start with your story
Creating change takes courage. Summon that strength by tapping into your personal experience and what is important to you. For Webb, it was being a good role model, for her son and others: “I wanted to provide an example of what you can do when you’re empowered.”
Do your homework
Dig into data, find facts, bring solutions. What are the laws about lactation accommodations in your state? What are your competitors doing to support moms? How might providing dignified lactation spaces result in improved employee retention or a better bottom line for your business?
Identify the stakeholders
Particularly at a large corporation, securing lactation accommodations will probably require several approvals. Identify everyone who needs to be part of the decision-making process.
Ask questions
Even if you’re a mother who pumped at work, talk with others about their unique experiences, too. What do people need? What don’t they need? Be curious about the challenges stakeholders will have in implementing the lactation space solution you’re suggesting. How can you help?
Be open to educating
People who’ve never breastfed may not even understand why it’s necessary for moms to pump every few hours. You may find yourself in the position of delivering mini-physiology lessons to your boss. And your boss’s boss. (Here’s an article to help.)
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
Not everyone is going to be comfortable talking about breasts at work—at first. That’s OK. Forge ahead confidently in the name of your mission.
“Anything worth doing isn’t easy,” says Webb. It took two full years (and lots of meetings!) to bring Mamava pods onto the floors at Walmart’s retail stores—to benefit associates and customers. But Webb refused to settle for less. “Moms are a key core customer for Walmart,” says Webb. “Offering dignified lactation spaces is a simple way to support them.”
VIDEO: Watch our Pumpcast Webinar conversation with Tennille!
Download our Guide to Getting Buy-in for Workplace Lactation Accommodations
Mamava makes compliance with lactation accommodation laws easy.
Mamava designs solutions to empower breastfeeding and pumping parents on the go, like our freestanding lactation pods, Mamava’s lactation space locator app, and other helpful resources.
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